4 Ways that Information Management Can Improve Law Enforcement Efforts

“Effective information management enables police forces to unlock the value of information and improve their efficiency and effectiveness,” in an Information Management in Policing report.

The article provides four specific values that information management can deliver to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

  1. Enables Collaboration: It enables collaboration and information sharing between police forces and other agencies.
  2. Supports Analytics: It supports the use of analytics to strengthen intelligence-led and preventive policing.
  3. Enables Ready Access: It enables officers to access critical information remotely.
  4. Increases Public Confidence: It also helps the police increase public confidence by “enabling them to engage with the communities they serve through tools, like crime maps, which help citizens understand policing operations and hold the police to account.”

How do information management systems specifically help? According to the Information Management in Policing article, they achieve this through the following features and functions:

  1. “Reducing the cost, in time and resources, of data collection and entry.
  2. Providing timely access to high-quality information held by different organizations.
  3. Enabling police forces to share high-quality information securely and effectively with partners.
  4. Feeding business and performance analytics that deliver insight to enable improved decision making and resource allocation.
  5. Supporting data aggregation and intelligence analysis that turns information into actionable intelligence, thereby enabling the identification of links between people, objects, locations and events and a single-view of an individual, group or network.”

Is your department ready to learn how to improve its information management system? Do you ever ask yourself (or does your team) these questions?

  1. Do you still use log books or binders to keep track of your custodial interviews?
  2. Do you want better control of all items with chain of custody tracking and reporting that will tell you exactly what you have at any given time?
  3. Do you want a central repository to store all your interviews?

iRecord can do all of this and help your police department to reach your efficiency and information sharing goals. Check out our solutions or contact us to learn how!

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