What’s the Real Difference with Mobile Law Enforcement Interview Recordings?

Agencies typically record interview evidence on-site, in their private interview rooms. But what about when you need to document evidence for criminal cases on-the-go? A reliable mobile interview recording solution will help ensure your team is never at a disadvantage. For sensitive cases, a mobile system can be a great way to quickly secure the audio video evidence you need with minimal stress.

Why Do Teams Use Mobile Interview Recording?

Making plans to schedule an interview at your agency’s site may work for some cases, but others may need more immediate action. Giving your team the option to record interviews on-location lets them take control of the situation and consider the needs of others.

Interviewing a child, for example, may have better outcomes when you can talk with them in a familiar setting. Recording their testimony at home (or even right outside their house, in a mobile child advocacy center) can be much more comfortable for the child and also more convenient for their caregivers.

The same could be said about certain assault and abuse cases. Many people who have become victims of these crimes appreciate mobile recording solutions because it can make the process for offering their testimony go much faster. The sooner they can speak, the sooner they can get on with their lives and focus on recovery.

Mobile Recording System Features and Functions

When agencies start looking into mobile interview recording, they need to consider whether the solution is modern, discrete, and professional. It’s unrealistic to think that you’ll be able to record accurate interview evidence if you have to deal with a clunky system. Starting and stopping the interview should be relatively simple. The right equipment will help both the interview subject and professional conducting the interview stay on track.

The interview subject should never feel threatened during their conversation. Drawing unnecessary attention to a recording setup often distracts them from telling their side of the story. As such, teams need to move beyond the outdated camcorders and tripods. Working with a tablet to record interviews is much more streamlined. For one, we see these devices just about everywhere. Quickly setting up a tablet on a tablet, in general, doesn’t feel awkward or intimidating. Moreover, the latest models can record high-quality audio and video.

Of course, your team also needs to sort through the software features with your mobile recording solution. The steps you’ll need to follow to save your interview evidence, create redactions, and share files with other departments need to be just as user-friendly as using the tablet itself.

Collect Your Interview Evidence Anytime, Anywhere

While there is certainly no reason to ignore the designated interview rooms within law enforcement agencies, the capability to record interview evidence at a moment’s notice can benefit many teams. The iRecord Anywhere system is different because it offers the best of both setups. We carefully designed our mobile solution to have the same robust features of an onsite solution, along with the bonus of being entirely portable.

The same backend functionalities that make our interview room recording solution so effective can also be utilized with our mobile system. This helps make our Anywhere system the perfect add-on for agencies who already work with iRecord in their interview rooms. If you’re ready to give your team a solution for recording their evidence anywhere they go, we’d love to help! Just send us a message to learn more about how to upgrade your recording solutions.

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